북한의 교육 붕괴와 탈북과정의 말할 수 없는 고난으로 인하여 학력공백이 큰 10대 후반부터 20대 초반까지의 탈북청소년들을 기독교 신앙 안에서 가르치는 대안학교입니다. 날마다 큐티와 예배로 수업을 시작하고 일대일 양육을 비롯한 제자훈련, 기도회, 성경과목 수업을 통해 학생들을 예수 그리스도의 제자로 양육합니다. 중졸, 고졸 검정고시 대비와 대입 준비 외에도 음악, 미술, 체육, 독서, 현장학습을 통해 전익격적인 치유와 회복 그리고 성장을 도모합니다. 통일을 향한 다음 세대 주역을 길러내는 것이 교육의 목표입니다. 그리스도 예수를 믿는 신앙 안에서 통일을 준비하는 학교 "남북학교"를 응원해 주십시오.
Through South-North Love School, we prepare for reunification of Korea. We teach our young North Korean defectors to grow intellectually and spiritually in Christ. They, who are late teens or early twenties, have not received educational benefits sufficiently because the education system in North Korea have almost totally collapsed since late 1990s. Though some of them had stayed in China for several years before entering South Korea, there had been no chance for them to learn properly as well. We aim to make them disciples of Jesus Christ through daily devotion and worship, discipleship training, praying together and Bible class. Besides helping them to pass the qualification exam for college and to have scholastic ability which is needed to keep up with its curriculum after their college admission, we pursue them being recovered from the trauma of escaping North Korea and surviving severe persecution in China and we help them to develop their whole personalities through music, art, physical education, reading and field studies. Our ultimate goal of education is fostering next generation leaders for reunification of Korea on the basis of Christian world view. Please pray for our young North Korean defectors and support our school financially.